Linnéa Bülow

Name: Linnéa Bülow
PDGA number: 56711
City/Country: Bålsta, Sweden
Home course: Bålsta, Kärsön
Disc golf club: Stockholm-Kärsö FK



What does your everyday disc golf routine look like:

I usually meet up with my dad Anders about twice a week after work and we play practice rounds. In the weekends I usually play competative tournaments.


Tell us about your favorite kastaplast disc:

My number one kastaplast disc is Reko K3, it’s perfect for my hyzer put and a great approch disc


What is your best disc golf memory?

My best disc golf memory is when me and my friend Malin won the Swedish doubles championship in 2015.


Name one of your odd talents, or, what you like to do when not throwing plastic:

I love to paint and draw. When I get a new idea I can paint for hours until I’m feeling done.