Name: Kristina Wilson
PDGA number: #81983
City/State/Country: (Safety Bay) Perth, WA, AUS
Home course(s): Fantasy Park Rockingham.
Disc golf club: I’m part of both Perth Disc Golf Club and Mundaring Disc Golf Club.
– What does your everyday disc golf routine look like?
A casual round with my husband and our two dogs at our local disc golf park in Rockingham, WA.
– Tell us about your favorite Kastaplast disc.
The K3 Reko and the Falk. I love the grippiness and stability of the Reko for putting and the Falk is a great all around control driver, perfect for my range.
– What is your best disc golf memory?
Having the opportunity as a fairly new competitor to play on the same card with the likes of Des Reading and Madison Walker during the 2017 Aussie Open.
– Name one of your odd talents, or, what you like to do when not throwing plastic?
I’m a world traveler at heart, with a passion for yoga and petting dogs.