Lydie Hellgren

Name: Lydie Hellgren
PDGA: 24010
City/State/Country: Kristiansand, Norway
Home course: Bølgane, Sukkevann
Disc golf club: Sukkevann Frisbee Klubb


What does your everyday disc golf routine look like?

I practice 1-2 hours almost every day, when the weather is ok. Putting and driving, mostly. But try to do various shots.


Tell us about your favorite Kastaplast disc

Reko, Berg for putts and approaches. Kaxe for longer approach shots.


What is your best disc golf memory?

Playing Japan Open 2010. Japan, is one of the most charismatic countries I had ever visited. To be able to play discgolf, experience the country, doing that, is one of the most intruiguing experiences I ever had. Beautiful country, fantastic culture and a humble, humble kind of people. Such a championship should be on every discgolfer’s “Bucketlist”.


Name one of your odd talents, or, what you like to do when not throwing plastic

Travelling around the World. Besides Japan, my journey to South America was the best.

I went to Chile, Easter Island, and in the “Footsteps of Thor Heyerdahl “, the Norwegian archeologists whom had his own theory about the people in Easter Islands. Another highlight on the trip to South America was to see the Inka kingdom of Macchu Picchu, it was such a humble experience, I can’t describe! If you have the opportunity, pls do the journey!!